ElevenLabs या अन्य AI वॉयस जेनरेटर में कुछ स्पेशल टेक्स्ट सिंबल्स होते हैं, जो वॉइस की टोन और इमोशन को बदल सकते हैं। इनका सही इस्तेमाल करने से आपकी AI Voice ज़्यादा नैचुरल और एक्सप्रेसिव लगेगी।
🎭 ElevenLabs AI में Emotions Express करने के लिए Symbols
Symbol | Effect (Tone/Emotion) | Example |
! (Exclamation) | ज़्यादा Excited / Energetic बनाता है | "Wow! This is amazing!" 😃🎉 |
? (Question Mark) | Curious / Confused टोन देता है | "Really? Are you sure?" 🤨❓ |
... (Ellipsis) | Pauses (Suspense/Thinking) डालता है | "I don't know... Maybe..." 😐🤔 |
ALL CAPS | Loud / Angry / Emphasized बनाता है | "STOP RIGHT THERE!" 😡🔥 |
~ (Tilde) | Playful / Teasing / Flirty टोन देता है | "Oh, you’re so funny~" 😉😏 |
" " (Quotes) | Dramatic / Storytelling Mode देता है | "And then he said, 'I will return!' " 🎭📖 |
- (Dash) | Sudden Stop / Dramatic Pause देता है | "Wait—what was that sound?" 😲😨 |
(...) Multiple Ellipses | Tension / Nervousness बढ़ाता है | "Uh... I don't think this is a good idea..." 😰😨 |
💥🔥💀 (Emojis) | Emotion Boosters हैं, Voice ज्यादा Expressive लगती है | "That was CRAZY! 💥🔥" 😆🤯 |
📌 Best Use-Case Examples in AI Voice:
1️⃣ Happy & Excited Voice
✅ "Oh my god! This is amazing! 😃🎉"
✅ "Finally~ we made it! 😆✨"
2️⃣ Angry & Frustrated Voice
✅ "What did you just say?! 😡🔥"
3️⃣ Scared & Nervous Voice
✅ "Wait... what was that noise? 😨👀"
✅ "Uh-oh... I have a bad feeling about this..."
4️⃣ Storytelling Mode
✅ "And so, the legend says... 'He will return one day'..."
🚀 Pro Tip:
✔️ Symbols को सही जगह पर लगाएं, जैसे Sentence के बीच या End में।
✔️ Emojis और Symbols मिलाकर इस्तेमाल करें, ताकि Voice ज्यादा Expressive लगे।
✔️ Pause &
करें – Multiple
लगाने से Voice में Gap आएगा।🎙️ Try This in ElevenLabs AI:
💡 Example Input for Dramatic Storytelling:
"Ek baar ki baat hai... ek Mahatma ped ke neeche baithe the... 🌳😌"
💡 Example Input for Funny Voice:
"Arre yaar~ tu kitna funny hai! 🤣😂"
💡 Example Input for Horror:
"K-k-kaun hai wahaan...? 😨👀"